Thursday, September 30, 2010

Randomness today

It suddenly became Thursday without me knowing it and I don't even remember Tuesday.

This weekend is the Emerald City Writer's Conference put on by the Greater Seattle RWA Chapter. This is the largest romance writer's conference on the west coast. About 250 romance writers will be filling in to the Bellevue Hilton starting tomorrow evening. A lucky group of us will also be attending a master class in editing by Margie Lawson. I've heard great things about her and her techniques from other authors. For the class, we're to bring 25 pages of a manuscript, 3-5 pages of a turning point from your manuscript, 5 different colored highlighters and a red pen. Why do I sense that my red pen will be getting a work out....

On a completely different note, if you're on Twitter, you can find a plethora of authors, agents, and editors to follow. Angie James, head editor of Carina Press, tweeted today a list of reasons why a manuscript might be rejected.
Here's just a few of them:
- too much info dump
- lack of driving conflict
- poor use of POV
- plot or characters too quirky or dramatic
- pace problems
- the story/conflict/setup seem too cliche
- your characters' actions are inconsistent


Sheila said...

Good luck at the conference. I'm really jealous of that editing class -- you'll have to share what you learn with us afterwards!