Friday, September 10, 2010

How I Choose To Spend My Time; or, Why Should I Pay Money For That?

Okay, I haven't actually gotten to bed yet, so it's still Thursday, right? {grin}

A couple of weeks ago, we were at the Denver Dragon Boat Festival in Sloan's Lake Park. The Dragon Boat Festival is a lot of fun -- there are dragon-headed rowboats, and teams that race them, and all manner of oriental foods and goods for sale. We go every couple of years or so, if the weather's not too awful (which, since the festival happens in the middle of July, means "as long as it's not too hot and horrid").

And, of course, there are other vendors with booths there as well. Like the local cable and satellite providers.

We have cable internet, but that's all. No cable or satellite television. If we can't watch it on broadcast or DVD, we just don't watch it.

But for reasons known only to him, while I was shopping for trinkets, my Beloved Husband decided to go over to the satellite television booth and strike up a conversation with them. And of course, when I was ready to move along, I had to go over and drag him away from there.

The woman at the booth was very determined to make a sale, even when I told her that there was only one show I watched on a regular basis, and that show was available via broadcast. I don't think she believed me.

"No, really," I said. "It just wouldn't be worth it to pay $35/month to watch the one show I already watch for free."

"You don't watch it for free," Beloved Husband pointed out, helpfully. "You buy the DVDs when they come out every year."

"Which is about the same cost as one month of satellite service, anyway. So we could still be saving the other eleven month's worth. Besides, I'm too busy. I don't have time to watch any more TV than I already do."

"Oh, you'd be surprised," said the saleslady. "You make the time."

I could only stare at her, horrified. Because if I'm going to make time for more of anything in my life, watching television is waaaaaay far down on the list. Writing, spending more time with loved ones, and getting my darned house painted are all much higher priorities, as far as I am concerned.

That was when it hit me how much my priorities in life had changed over the last couple of years. I would rather write than watch TV.

Keep in mind that I grew up in a household where the television gets switched on first thing in the morning, and doesn't get turned off again until after everyone has gone to bed. It's a constant background to everything that happens in the house.

Apparently, I neither need nor want that in my life any more. I think that's a good thing. More time for writing.

And sleeping.

(Which I should do very soon now.)

Suffice it to say that we did not sign up for satellite television that day.

So what can or have other people given up in order to make more time for writing?